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Service Description: The San Francisco-Pacifica Coast grid map was extracted from the California Geological Survey Map Sheet 58 that covers the entire state of California and originally published in May of 2011. It made use of several data layers such as Landslide Inventory, Geology, Rock Strength and Slope of varying scales and formats. For the statewide analysis of landslide susceptibility, the methodology of Wilson and Keefer (1985) was used in combining the rock strength and slope data layers as implemented by Ponti, el al. (2008) to create classes of landslide susceptibility. These classes express the generalization that on very low slopes, landslide susceptibility is low even in weak materials, and that landslide susceptibility increases with slope and in weak rocks.
The extracted grid map is composed of two data layers (Arc GRID Integer):
sfcoast_sus- landslide susceptibility (1.16 MB) with cell value from 0 to 10 (low to high) representing susceptibility classes.
sfcoast_ls10-existing landslides in digital form (43.3 KB) with cell value of 10 (assigned to the highest susceptibility class by default).
Map Name: CSMW_Landslide_Susceptibility_in_California
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Description: The San Francisco-Pacifica Coast grid map was extracted from the California Geological Survey Map Sheet 58 that covers the entire state of California and originally published in May of 2011. It made use of several data layers such as Landslide Inventory, Geology, Rock Strength and Slope of varying scales and formats. For the statewide analysis of landslide susceptibility, the methodology of Wilson and Keefer (1985) was used in combining the rock strength and slope data layers as implemented by Ponti, el al. (2008) to create classes of landslide susceptibility. These classes express the generalization that on very low slopes, landslide susceptibility is low even in weak materials, and that landslide susceptibility increases with slope and in weak rocks.
The extracted grid map is composed of two data layers (Arc GRID Integer):
sfcoast_sus- landslide susceptibility (1.16 MB) with cell value from 0 to 10 (low to high) representing susceptibility classes.
sfcoast_ls10-existing landslides in digital form (43.3 KB) with cell value of 10 (assigned to the highest susceptibility class by default).
Copyright Text: Wills C.J., Perez, F., Gutierrez, C., 2011, Susceptibility to deep-seated landslides in California: California Geological Survey Map Sheet 58
Spatial Reference:
Single Fused Map Cache: false
Initial Extent:
XMin: -1.3670584616298862E7
YMin: 4501201.58231351
XMax: -1.3599484230219722E7
YMax: 4555533.576409487
Spatial Reference: 102100
Full Extent:
XMin: -1.3641729617267575E7
YMin: 4503671.21840878
XMax: -1.362833922925101E7
YMax: 4553063.940314216
Spatial Reference: 102100
Units: esriMeters
Document Info:
Title: Landslide Susceptibility in California
Comments: The San Francisco-Pacifica Coast grid map was extracted from the California Geological Survey Map Sheet 58 that covers the entire state of California and originally published in May of 2011. It made use of several data layers such as Landslide Inventory, Geology, Rock Strength and Slope of varying scales and formats. For the statewide analysis of landslide susceptibility, the methodology of Wilson and Keefer (1985) was used in combining the rock strength and slope data layers as implemented by Ponti, el al. (2008) to create classes of landslide susceptibility. These classes express the generalization that on very low slopes, landslide susceptibility is low even in weak materials, and that landslide susceptibility increases with slope and in weak rocks.
The extracted grid map is composed of two data layers (Arc GRID Integer):
sfcoast_sus- landslide susceptibility (1.16 MB) with cell value from 0 to 10 (low to high) representing susceptibility classes.
sfcoast_ls10-existing landslides in digital form (43.3 KB) with cell value of 10 (assigned to the highest susceptibility class by default).
Subject: Relative likelihood of deep-seated landsliding based on regional estimates of rock strength and steepness of slopes.
Keywords: Deep-seated Landslides,Landslide Susceptibility,Landslide Hazard
AntialiasingMode: None
TextAntialiasingMode: Force
Supports Dynamic Layers: true
MaxRecordCount: 2000
MaxImageHeight: 4096
MaxImageWidth: 4096
Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF
Supports Query Data Elements: true
Min Scale: 0
Max Scale: 0
Supports Datum Transformation: true
Child Resources:
Dynamic Layer
Supported Operations:
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