Marine Ecological Provinces and Regions (0)
| Central Californian Marine Ecological Region |
| Northern Californian Marine Ecological Region |
| Oregonian Marine Ecological Region |
| Southern-Baja Californian Marine Ecological Region |
Coastal Wetlands (1)
| Estuarine and Marine Wetland |
| Freshwater Emergent Wetland |
| Freshwater Forested/Shrub Wetland |
| Freshwater Pond |
| Lake |
| Riverine |
| Other |
Western Snowy Plover (3)
Chinook and Steelhead Salmon (4)
Black Abalone (5)
Santa Barbara Sensitive Habitat Sites (8)
| Haulout |
| Rookery |
| Reef |
| Rocky Intertidal |
| Conservation Area |
Santa Barbara Sensitive Habitat Areas (9)
| Harbor Seal/Sea Lion |
| Eelgrass |
| Devereaux Slough |
| UCSB Campus Lagoon |
San Diego Sensitive Habitat (11)
| California Least tern |
| Western Snowy plover |
San Diego Offshore Vegetation (12)
| Kelp canopy |
| Surfgrass |
| Understory Algae |
San Diego Kelp Persistence 1967-1999 (13)
| Less than 2 years |
| 2 - 3 years |
| 3 - 4 years |
| 4 - 5 years |
| 5 - 7 years |
| 7 - 8 years |
| 8 - 9 years |
| 9 - 10 years |
| 10 - 12 years |
| 12 - 13 years |
| 13 - 14 years |
| 14 - 15 years |
| 15 - 17 years |
| 17 - 18 years |
| 18 - 19 years |
| 19 - 20 years |
| 20 - 22 years |
| 22 - 23 years |
| 23 - 24 years |
| 24 - 26 years |
San Francisco Pinniped Haul-out Sites (15)
San Francisco Sensitive Habitat (16)
| Bank Swallow |
| San Francisco lessingia |
| Western Snowy plover |
2009 Eelgrass (18)
| 1-5% |
| 6-20% |
| 21-40% |
| 41-100% |
2003 Eelgrass (19)
GGNRA San Francisco Vegetation (20)
| Arroyo Willow |
| Beaches or Mudflats |
| Bulrush - Cattail - Spikerush Marsh |
| Dune Sagewort - Goldenbush Complex |
| Dunes |
| European Dunegrass |
Sediment Impaired Habitats (22)
Southern Monterey Bay Eelgrass (24)
| Eelgrass |
Southern Monterey Bay Shalebeds (25)
| High : 254 - Low : 0 |