Description: Upland debris basins and coastal borrow sites as identified originally in the California Shoreline Database compiled by Noble Consultants (Jon Moore). Later updates to the dataset by the BEACON, SANDAG and AMBAG Coastal Sediment Regional Master Plans (CSRMPs) for Ventura and Santa Barbara counties, San Diego County and Southern Monterey Bay, respectively. Dataset updated with potential sediment sources in San Luis Obispo County and the Santa Cruz Littoral Cell.
The upland borrow sites are from the lastest version of the data, last updated in November 2015. Changes include: added Sed_Source (type of sediment potentially available) and DataSource (identifies from where the data point was most recently identified) attributes. Layer now reflects various types of sediment sources in addition to debris basins, and includes locations from San Diego, Southern Monterey Bay, and Orange County Coastal Regional Sediment Management Plans.
Coastal and nearshore sediment borrow sites were added into this dataset in May 2012.
Copyright Text: Jon Moore, Noble Consultants; Chris Webb, Moffatt & Nichol; Bob Battalio, PWA, Everest International Consultants, Inc., James Zoulas (CESPN-ET-EI)